Digital Learning

ILRT has designed and developed ten digital learning tools – Simulation Games, Documentary Videos, and e-learning modules for Improving Livelihoods of the Poor. The purpose of the development of digital learning applications was to connect the power of digital learning to livelihood practitioners, especially those who have little or no access to simplified knowledge. The details about the applications is shown in Table below:

Mobile Based Games

Krishi Lakshmi is a digital game aimed at agriculture and is based on helping individuals to understand the cost and benefits of different kinds of inputs (seeds, fertilizers, pesticides and so on) and practices like ploughing, irrigation, weeding, and transportation among many. This is a simple game in which the player who is a marginal or small farmer will be facing the harsh realities of agriculture like they do in their normal day-to-day agriculture and understand whether crop insurance would be helpful for them in the long run or not. The game aims to highlight the importance of crop insurance to deal with externality, uncertainty, and risk involved in crop production and how insurance can be a method to mitigate such risks.


Pashu Paalan is a digital game meant to educate poor people/households about the economics of pig rearing and the importance of various techniques of livestock rearing insurance. The game also deals with the issue of risks and tries to convince people of the usefulness of buying livestock insurance.


Sanitation as a Business (SaaB) game is an attempt to decode the role of an entrepreneur in sanitation business. It is relevant especially at a time when sanitation is a national agenda. In the past sanitation was considered a subject of public service, an agenda for the government, unlike business. Therefore, it is challenging to define the role of an entrepreneur in the sanitation business. SaaB Game is a strategy learning game for an entrepreneur to successfully make income from sanitation business, more precisely from toilet construction. The game Sanitation as a Business (SaaB) highlights the need for sustainability, demand-based planning, self-financed toilets, and how a rural entrepreneur is able to do this by promoting a new approach called “Sanitation as a Business” (SaaB).


Documentary Videos

The documentary films have been an important step in qualitative research and in delivering information in the most convenient way with greater impact. In context to the development of Digital learning tools for poor, the process followed for video documentaries creation was as follows

The themes chosen for the video documentary are as below: